Meet the Grace Ladies’ LifeGroup!

Bible Study

The Grace ladies meet on Sunday mornings at 10:30am in Reception A and are currently studying the book of Romans from the Explore the Bible Series. The theme of their study is “Do You Know the Good News?” with the aim of motivating today’s believers to tell others that there is a way to salvation by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ.

In addition to Sunday morning study time, this group meets one evening a month for fellowship/business and on other occasions to develop relationships and promote care and understanding of others’ needs.  They stay involved in several mission projects throughout the year including: financial support and food items for international missionaries; cookies, personal items and Bible Sticks (mp3 device containing the scriptures) for the military; support for the local Good Neighbor Center, Baptist Homeless Ministry, & Disaster Relief.  The Grace ladies also collect school supplies for various entities where they are needed, provide care for others during times of illness and grief, and whenever they can as they become aware of needs.

Contact the church office, 788-3734 or Jane Ray (see below) or pay them a visit some Sunday morning if you are interested!

The Grace Ladies' Life Group meets on Sunday Mornings at 10:30am in Reception A. Jane Ray leads this group.
