Tuesday Morning Ladies to Study Kelly Minter’s Nehemiah


Nehemiah had to have a heart that could break so he could restore a wall that was broken. In this 7 session Bible study for women, Nehemiah’s heart for the oppressed, suffering and poor is a beacon whose light shines on the current call of the church to be the hands and feet of Jesus. In addition, this study addresses teamwork, integrity, generosity, truth in culture, God’s compassion, and much more.

We are so looking forward to Kelly Minter’s newest study!

Won’t you join us?

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Childcare Provided for Birth – 6th Grade
(with registration by June 12, 2012)

Register for Nehemiah

The Tuesday Morning Ladies Life Group meets on Tuesday Mornings from 9:00-11:00 am and is open to all women. Kathy Olive leads this group.
