Study Revelation with the Tuesday Morning Ladies

Here and Now...There and Then by Beth Moore is a lecture series on the book of Revelation. Beth presents many points of view, allowing women to decide for themselves when the interpretation varies among scholars. She teaches that God is as specific about what He does reveal as He is about what He does not reveal. Each of the 11 sessions is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Join Us for

Here and Now…There and Then

Tuesdays - starts April 8

9:00 to 11:30 am

Reception Hall

Child care is available.  Please call the church office, 316-788-3734

(Cost of the Listening Guide book is $10)
The Tuesday Morning Ladies LifeGroup meets on Tuesday Mornings in the Spring and Fall and is open to all women. Kaye Obermeyer, 788-3998, is facilitating this study.
