Tuesday Morning Bible Study Resumes in August

Join Beth Moore in a study of the life of Jesus based on the book of Luke.  You will be introduced to an intimate Savior as you get a close-up and personal portrait of Jesus the Messiah.  You'll see Jesus come to a funeral and raise the dead, confront conniving religious leaders, teach on a hillside, and even walk on the waves.  This in-depth Bible study includes weekly personal assignments and 11 video sessions taped on location in Jerusalem and throughout Israel.

Tuesdays (beginning August 19)

9:00 AM

Reception Hall

Childcare is available - you must call the church office at 316-788-3734 to register your child(ren).


 The Tuesday Morning Ladies LifeGroup meets on Tuesday Mornings in the Spring and Fall and is open to all women. Kaye Obermeyer, 316-214-5340, is facilitating this study.
