A Study from Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, and Kay Arthur Beginning Tuesday, November 1st

 God is faithful. His provision is abundant. His promises are true. Recorded live at the Deeper Still event, this 7-session Bible study has two weeks each of Kay, Priscilla, and Beth followed by a panel discussion with all three teachers.

Kay Arthur teaches from basically, the entire book of Hebrews! Hebrews is both an example of God's faithfulness and a challenge to believers to be faithful in difficult times.

Priscilla Shirer teaches from Ephesians 3:20-21 on God's abundance. A fundamental basis for every believer is the absolute reality that God can do whatever He chooses to do. God's ability empowers our faithfulness.

Beth Moore teaches on the topic of discernment. In these difficult days, it is absolutely essential that we learn to trust the Holy Spirit to enable us to determine what is true and what is false.

JOIN US for friendship, encouragement, prayer and great Bible study on Tuesday mornings!

Begins Tuesday, November 1st

9:00 AM

PBC Reception Hall

{Childcare is available - call the church office @ 316-788-3734 to reserve}

The Tuesday Morning Ladies Life Group meets on Tuesday Mornings in the Spring and Fall and is open to all women. Kaye Obermeyer, 316-214-5340, is facilitating this study.
